Is it only Monday?
You know you're in for it when your alarm doesn't go off first thing Monday morning and you oversleep. Then, when you get to work, you promptly get a phone call because you were supposed to be at a meeting somewhere else. Yep, one of those days... I was very scattered this morning, which is not really like me. But I have good reason to be scattered. In the midst of a crazy busy weekend, I decided to sit down and try to finish reading what I have on my second book. Since retrieving my hard drive, I've been re-reading my writing, trying to figure out where to go with the story. I knew I was about to wrap it up, but wasn't sure exactly how I was going to do that. I had gone into writing this story with a preconceived notion about where it was going. But once I got there, I changed my mind. Anyway, after I got the kiddos in bed last night, I decided to read what I had written. I got to the end, and it was literally in the middle ...