Dare Me

In this day and age of YouTube and instant fame...

"There is no doubt that one of us will die."

Okay, do I have your attention now?

One year, three kids, ten dares and YouTube.  What could possibly go wrong?

Find out in the latest novel by Eric Devine:

Available 10/8/2013.  If you cannot wait, you can pre-order here:

I know you may be confused.  Usually I'm discussing my epic housekeeping/parenting failures or pressuring you to buy my book.  Today, Biel Blather is taking part in a Blog Blast, sponsored by Book Nerd Tours.  I could say that I volunteered to participate because I went to high school with Eric Devine.  

But that would not be the full reason.  The full reason is that Eric is a damn talented writer, and you, the reader, will be missing out if you don't read this book.  

To read an excerpt, you can visit Eric Devine's blog.  All of his fancy contact information is there, including his Facebook and Twitter links, so you can follow him that way as well. (If I had ever been able to figure out the whole Twitter thing, I would have linked you directly.  Sorry.)

Obviously, the powers that be are so confident in the power of this book that it has its own t-shirt.  

Eric is also the author of Tap Out and This Side of Normal.  In addition to being the author of fearless teen fiction, he is a high school English teacher and father of two beautiful daughters.  To find out more, visit here.

Remember, Dare Me is on sale October 8, 2013.  Read it...I dare you.


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