
Showing posts from March, 2012

Important Lessons

In this day and age, we, as parents are so busy making sure that our kids are well rounded, uber-educated and excel in everything, that sometimes we don't have time to teach our kids the truly important things in life.  There are days where I am so busy going from point A to point B, while reviewing spelling words, working on a book report and beginning sight words that I forget to help my kids become worthwhile people.  Since I suffer terribly from Mommy ADHD (see  this post ), I thought I should write down the things that I really want my kids to know. You will have plenty of friends but only one mother.  This may make you hate me at times, since I am not cool like other kids' moms and I do not let you do what ever it is you want to do.  That is fine with me.  I am setting boundaries and guidelines because it is what's right.  It does not make me a cool parent, but it makes me a good parent. It will not be easy, but always do what is right....

At the end of my rope

You know how when you're going along, and things seem all peachy, then WHAM!  You get hit and good and you can no longer tell up from down.  That's where I am now. I'm having a crisis of career, which, in turn, is leading to a crisis of conscience. I sooooooo want to quit my job right now.  However, this is not feasible.  On the first front, I am trying to justify to my husband why I can't work full time.  He just does not understand my need to be home at least some of the time for the kids.  So, being unemployed would not fly.  Secondly (sorry to admit this), but money. I certainly don't make tons, but I do contribute fairly to our household.  Thirdly, benefits.  In order to have health insurance, I have to work. Those are the logistics about it from my end. What is prompting this, you might ask. I'm frustrated and feel impotent.  I keep getting handed situation after situation where someone did not or has not done what he or ...


Things (in no particular order) that make me feel guilty: Eating onion rings (or fried food in general) Not wanting to go to church Wanting to read instead of cleaning Being at work when one of my kids has a school function Being home when there is more I could be doing for the kids at school Going shopping instead of taking care of the house Wanting to read instead of playing with the kids Knowing that I should be writing session notes or evals Wasting time on Facebook Not letting my kids have friends over because the house is a mess Not going to church Ordering take-out because I'm too tired to cook That it matters so much to me how I look Wanting to quit my job just because it's hard Reading really smutty novels Secretly wishing that good players on the opposite team would get hurt Throwing out cat food cans because they're hard to clean to recycle The fact that I love gossip Not using coupons because I haven't felt like cutting them Throwing o...