Important Lessons
In this day and age, we, as parents are so busy making sure that our kids are well rounded, uber-educated and excel in everything, that sometimes we don't have time to teach our kids the truly important things in life. There are days where I am so busy going from point A to point B, while reviewing spelling words, working on a book report and beginning sight words that I forget to help my kids become worthwhile people. Since I suffer terribly from Mommy ADHD (see this post ), I thought I should write down the things that I really want my kids to know. You will have plenty of friends but only one mother. This may make you hate me at times, since I am not cool like other kids' moms and I do not let you do what ever it is you want to do. That is fine with me. I am setting boundaries and guidelines because it is what's right. It does not make me a cool parent, but it makes me a good parent. It will not be easy, but always do what is right....