Just tired
I'm just tired. Last week was February break, which was great. Got a whole lot of nothing done. Well, that's not true, but I wasn't super active. With temperatures below 0 and windchills even lower, I wasn't motivated to leave the house much. My kids were happy for the down time as well, getting to play with toys that they don't have time for, binge watching HGTV, and enjoying the ever-elusive pajama day. And now, it's caught up with me. Working full time (for the first time since my son--who's now 11--was born) is taking it's toll. Of course, it's annual review season, which means there simply aren't enough hours in the day. This week, was just one of those weeks. Late after-school meetings, Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Learning Fair, dance, doctor's appointment. The hubs and I have been playing tag team running here and there and we're now thinking that we're not allowed to spend more than 5 minutes in the same room before one of us...