
Showing posts from February, 2013

Anna, if you're out there...

Anna, if you're out there, please come home. Anna, if you're out there, please call someone just to let them know that you're ok. Anna, if you're out there, don't be afraid to come back. Anna, if you're out there, know that your family and friends are worried sick. Anna, if you're out there, don't do anything that cannot be undone. Anna, if you're out there, know that life is worth living. Anna, if you're out there, realize that you have talents and gifts that the world needs. Anna, if you're out there, you have so many people who care about you, and just want to help. Anna, if you're out there, know that there is nothing so bad that you cannot get over it or move on. Anna, if you're out there, know that your family, friends, acquaintances and total strangers are praying for you. Anna, if you're out there, realize that we all feel helpless right now. Anna, if you're out there, we're all afraid you...

My Perfect Valentine

Even though I may not come across this way (like with a lead-in statement like that), I have low self-esteem. I seem to be in need of constant affirmation. Frankly, it's probably part of why I write this blog. It's really not healthy, and I'm not sure why I seek the attention.  So, one would think that in a life partner or spouse, I would pick someone who swoons all over me, is constantly showering me with attention and lavish gifts and puts me on a pedestal.  Right?  Nope, wrong.  My husband of eleven years is the opposite.  He is not overly complementary.  Or even outwardly complementary. And, if I ask him, "Does this make me look fat?"  his answer is usually yes.  And to clarify, it's usually because, if I'm asking him in the first place, then I know it does not look good, and he is honest.  The best response I can usually get out of him is "Meh, looks fine."  (Oh dear lord, how I hate the word fine!) Sometimes, I wish my husba...

What's in a name?

One of the first things we learn to do as children is to label things.  To name things.  This continues throughout our entire lives, as we label, and categorize, separate and organize.  Labeling helps us to prioritize and to give special attention.  Labeling quickly tells our brains what category something belongs to, and allows us to quickly decide what action needs to be taken.  Labeling serves a very useful purpose in our lives. So, why then, is it so difficult to label a child?  I have numerous conversations with people where a parent's defense for not wanting their child classified under special education services is that they do not want their child "labeled."  I bite my tongue.  For a child to receive formal, structured educational support through specialized teaching, speech therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy and counselling, along with modifications to the general education curriculum, he or she must be classified as having...